[100% Work] How to Download Bilibili Playlist with 1-click
Bilibili is a well-known streaming website for videos in China and has many video categories, like dancing, anime, music, science and technology, news, entertainment, and more. It lets users leave comments or upload videos, like, or even share their favorite videos with their loved ones.
However, you might not be able to download Bilibili playlist videos or view videos because of number of problems. This article will walk you through downloading Bilibili playlist videos and then save the videos in any format you like.
How to Download Bilibili Playlist with 1-click
Downloading Bilibili videos using YT Saver is as easy as pie. As its name suggests, it is a video/audio downloader that will allow you to download and convert online videos in any format of your choice.
With YT Saver, you can download your favorite Bilibili playlist in a matter of a few minutes and watch them on your computer whenever you want. Except for Bilibili, you can also download playlists from YouTube, Spotify, Dailymotion, SoundCloud, etc. and save them in high quality, ranging from HD, 2k, 4k, 8k or MP3 320kbps.
📖 How to Download Bilibili Playlist on PC/MAC?
Step 1 In the first step, copy the particular bilibili playlist URL from the browser address bar.

Other Tools to Download Bilibili Playlist
If you want to download Bilibili playlist to your computer, you can use several tools to accomplish this. below are the some of the other tools for downloading Bilibili playlists. You can use these tools to download the desired playlist.
1. https://github.com/iawia002/annie
Annie is an open-source video downloader that is open source and free of charge. It works with websites like YouTube, Tumblr, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and other websites predominantly Chinese, including the bilibili. It is developed in the Go programming language.
2. https://you-get.org/
You-Get is much simpler to use than it seems, and it can be used from any place without going through a lengthy installation process. You-Get is an open-source command-line application that allows you to download audio, videos, and images off the internet or search for clips on Google, scrape websites, and stream videos to your favorite media player.
3. https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl
YouTube-dl is a command-line program; therefore, it does not have a GUI. Instead, you access it via your terminal or command prompt window. It extracts the M4A Audio version and saves the audio file using an M4A extension. YouTube dl is an open-source free command-line application for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It can be used to save videos on YouTube as well as other video streaming services.
Note: These open-source and command-line utilities can be too complicated and not suitable for beginners. And for some online solutions, they claim that they can download Bilibili video playlist online, but in fact, it is not true. After you paste the Bilibili playlist url to the search box, you will receive the message – “No download file found” or “Link not supported”.
In Conclusion
We’ve compiled the most effective methods for Bilibili playlist download. Each has distinct advantages and disadvantages. If you just want to download Bilibili videos hassle-free and with just one click, install YT Saver now and start downloading unlimited number of your favorite videos.
YT Saver Video Downloader
Download playlists from YouTube, Spotify, Dailymotion, Bilibili, etc.
- Download entire playlists with just a single click
- Convert YouTube to MP4, MP3, AAC, WAV, MOV, etc.
- Support 10,000+ online video/music sites
- You can download multiple videos at once
- Faster download speed even it’s longer than 2 hours of video
- Download videos in different resolutions, ranging from HD to 8K